IELTS Exam Preparation

IELTS Exam Preparation

2 Weeks

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System and is an examination developed by Cambridge University and used internationally by universities and colleges to assess a student’s suitability for higher education studies such as undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It is especially in demand by international students who are interested in enrolling on a university programme in England. 

  • We have an experienced and dedicated English team and, we offer courses at a range of levels to suit the need of every learner.

 Note: No books are required for this course as the teacher will provide all relevant materials such as downloads and worksheets at no extra cost.  However, students may buy recommended books to further aid and support their learning.

* Exam fees are not included in the course price and need to be booked by the candidate independently as and when they are ready.  However, the teacher may advise them and guide them in this matter.  The exam fee is approximately £145.

* There are no specific course start/end dates as it is ongoing and continuous so students can join any day. 

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